Thursday, July 24, 2008

Reliability and Statistics

Reliability and Statistics is one of the major part to be studied while working with mems as till date nothing can be said about the reliability of the mems device.


This is an image of MEMS based micromirror
MEMS micromirrors can be used in a variety of applications including: optical switching in fiber optic networks, maskless EUV lithography, adaptive optics, and projection display devices. For telecommunications and EUV lithography applications, micromirrors will need to have 2 Degrees-of-Freedom (2-DOF) and be actuated to extremely precise positions. Micromirror prototypes that have been publicized at present do not include advanced control or features to guarantee that these precision requirements will be satisfied. LOT of R&D is going all around to design 2-DOF micromirrors that will offer simpler dynamics (less coupling due to electrostatic interference), which will aid in eventually implementing a feedback control system.

MEMS micromirrors can be used in a variety of applications including: optical switching in fiber optic networks, maskless EUV lithography, adaptive optics, and projection display devices. For telecommunications and EUV lithography applications, micromirrors will need to have 2 Degrees-of-Freedom (2-DOF) and be actuated to extremely precise positions. Micromirror prototypes that have been publicized at present do not include advanced control or features to guarantee that these precision requirements will be satisfied. We are investigating designs for 2-DOF micromirrors that will offer simpler dynamics (less coupling due to electrostatic interference), which will aid in eventually implementing a feedback control system. The micromirror designs are modeled in FEM software and fabricated by a two structural polysilicon layer micromachining process for testing in our laboratory.

MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) is a growing market with the capability of improving many technologies by simplification and cost reduction. By coupling MEMS with the available and developing integrated circuit (IC) technology, microscopic devices can be built on silicon wafers with on-chip controls. The applications for MEMS can be found in many fields from biomedical to defense. MEMS devices including sensors and actuators such as accelerometers, pressure sensors, pollution monitoring devices, gyroscopes, and internal drug-delivery systems have been created using micrometer sized components. MEMS micromirrors have been developed for use in projection display devices and adaptive optics for telescopes. The proposed research will investigate the use of optical MEMS, specifically micromirrors, for telecommunication applications.